It all started in 1998 on august 5 when Tanisha the neck breaker,beautiful and bright gave birth to her.
The whole village was filled with rumours concerning the new born and the mother. Tanisha being amongst the few people that went to universities those days,people didn't expect her to conceive while still at her parents home.
She was every girls role model. Every parent would always compare their children to her forgetting that not all that glitters was gold.
Her favourite proverb was;The faint hearts never won the fair ladies
If you know the meaning of this then believe me her life itself was the exact opposite of that.
So she decided to call the baby brenda....meaning sword
The baby grew and four years later after her birth, she was taken to exile and everyone assumed that her disappearance was for her own good maybe taken to nicer school etc .
Eighteen years later she returned to her grandmother.all beautiful and grown up. Ofciurse there were talks about the 'new sheriff in town'
She didn't bother one bit about it all coz believe me life hadn't been so kind to her for those damn 18 years.
...........what do you think?

  • downthestreet
  • انضمDecember 14, 2017

الرسالة الأخيرة
lovvie_bee lovvie_bee May 06, 2018 09:04PM
Its a must read.....make sure to check it out Don't forget to vote,comment and shareI just published "2." of my story "The Game".
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