
My next book has a title... Darkly Shining Stars


@lozzykiwi when is it being posted???? i mean this post was from 4 years ago soo. .  I really hope that u will actually post it and that you will write a sequel to linked bc the ending was sooo good and left me needing  more!!!!


@lozzykiwi  I know it's late but anyway:


@lozzykiwi YES! I've been so excited for it and low-key stalking your Wattpad page for any more news on it . Linked was so good so I know this one will be fantastic!!!


In summary I imagined book 2  having a guy named Khai whose wife was driven to suicide by her link thanks to Benna's freedom towards linkers So he blames her. Khai break into the health facility with Dr Frenchwood's research and turns himself into a linker but a very powerful spider. Benna couldn't link to Corin so married Jesse and they had a daughter who can link to any mind even if it belongs to an animal. Khai knows about her and demands her powers be stripped, Benna refuse and to demonstrate his power, Khai screams into people's minds until they bleed from nose and ears to death. The people panic, the linkers won't go back into hiding hence civil war. Khai kidnaps Benna's daughter and to save her Benna has to become a linker again with Corin's help using Dr Frenchwood's work.....


Continuing........ Benna turns to Dr Frenchwood for help and the only way is for her to become a linker again with the help of Corin who advises against since the people wouldn't feel safe if the president with all the army was a linker too but helps her anyway....as for the rest of the story and the ending put that beautifully mind of yours to work....
              Any that's just how I imagined book2 ...... I loved the book so much I thought how book2 would be like but loved linked so much hence this.


 Continuing....... Khai tell the public about the danger linkers  pose and the way they are evolving. To demonstrate he screams in people's mind until they bleed from their nose and ears until they die. The normal people panic and the linkers refuse to go back into hiding hence civil war. khai tells the public to attack Benna's house and in the chaos he kidnaps her......


Hey just finished reading linked and I love it but the ending not so much......so I thought maybe book 2 and here it goes. 
                So there is this guy Khai whose wife was driven to suicide by her link and blames it all on Benna for changing the old ways. Meanwhile Benna never linked to Corin again so she married Jesse and they had a daughter. Their daughter is a natural linker but she can connect to any mind including animals. This is discovered once Benna finds her sitting with a stray dog almost communicating and it only growls once seeing Benna. khai knows about her and demands her power be stripped. Naturally Benna won't.


Hello ,
          I just finished reading Linked and let me tell you this : it's completely underrated. Seriously it should have over 300 million reads and at least five awards!
          Only thing I hated about the book was the ending. It would be nice if you could write a two or one chapter wrap up...
          Other than that , it was AWESOME thanks for writing something so beautiful!
          Sincerely ,
          Tima xxx


I just wanted to say that I read your book "linked" a while ago and it's still one of my favorites. I hope to read something else written by you some day as well. Anyway, I hope everything is going well for you! I was just thinking of the story and I thought I'd say something. :) 


Heyyy quick question I would like to know if it would be ok if I use your idea in linked where benna and corin have to stay touching each other. Ive already  incorrperated it into my new chapter but I haven't published it not without your permission and consent and I was and still will give you all the credibility for letting me use it in every chapter that is if you will let me use it and I'm sorry for making this long this is my first time but that is the only idea that I would be using the whole mind link thing that I'm doing it is strictly do to the fact that it is a werewolf book and I've read a lot of books and that is something that they have but if you could please get back to me with an answer whenever you can I would be soooo grateful and thankful.


@lozzykiwi OMG I don't know now how to thank you enough!!!!!


@j_a_y_ Go for it Jay, all the best authors borrow ideas from each other and give it their own spin :) All the best with your story!