
hi ppl im back hru?


quick word of advice: if you see a someone with either a disability, a disorder, or just simply has something that stands out, do them a favor and don't just go up to them and make ur whole convo about them or how "they are so cool" or how "they look so beautiful"  because the best way to make them feel good about themselves is for you to just act normal with them. for example if you see someone who has vitiligo, don't just walk up to them and say " omg u look so pretty" or "you are so beautiful" and whatnot, cause that is just going to make them more aware of  it yk? so if you are going to talk to them, just talk to them normally so that they will feel people see them as another person and not an alien. now I'm not saying that all people hate the attention but there are many people who would prefer the fact that you are treating them normally and not like something super fragile
          please keep this in mind because you have no idea how many people this small gesture will be able to uplift
          thank you


sorry if grammar is bad, I'm not very good at this stuff lol


this message may be offensive
With all due respect:
          To those of you who post GIF links in the comments section, I hope that your Tea/Coffee is too hot when you get it, but too cold when you remember it exists. I hope you eat chips... vertically. I hope that your underwear gets stuck in your buttcrack except you aren't able to take it out because there are too many people around. I hope that you realise that there is no toilet paper only after you took a shit. I hope that every time you need to use the restroom in public, there is always a line of people waiting to use it as well. I hope that everytime someone erases the marker off a whiteoard, they leave a tiny spec of the marker there. I hope that a spider crawls into your ears, lays an egg, and leaves. 
          fuck you. 
          Someone had to say it.
          thank you for reading.  good bye


@Candygoteaten well this doesn't apply to cool people so ur good