Hello everyone! I've been meaning to post this message for a long time, and I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it until now. Quite honestly, it makes me sad to do this. Technically, this is just the formal announcement of something that unofficially went into action a while ago, but still. As you may have noticed, I have not been on Wattpad in a very long time. I have decided that it is time for me to leave Wattpad... for now. School is keeping me very busy, especially now that I'm in college, and quite frankly, I hardly have any time to write. I do, however, plan to finish all of the works that I've begun. I'm going to keep working on them, little by little, off of Wattpad, and when I'm finished, I will post them. It'll take a while. It may take years. But I am committing to finish it some day. I don't know yet if I will post any new works later on. I do, however, plan to finish up Their Playground before I completely disappear. It's already written, and I really have no excuse for not having posted the whole thing yet. There are only six or so chapters left. I may periodically update Biggest Wattpad Pet Peeves. I may not. It really depends on how much free time I have. Don't count on me updating it, but if I do, you can be pleasantly surprised. I'll be leaving most of my works up since I plan to finish them. The ones that will be eventually deleted are The Titling Challenge (because that was sort of an epic failure), These Are a Few of My Favorite Things (partly because it's unnecessary now that I'm leaving, and partly because it's so outdated), and Dear Diary (because I wrote that when I was young(er) and (more) foolish, and it's kind of embarrassing, honestly). One last thing to all my followers - thank you so much for your support! You guys were all amazing, and I loved interacting with you here on Wattpad! Best of luck in all your writing endeavors!
Lucia <3