
Its been a while since I have been on here but I was curious if I started a rant book would anyone honestly read it? I have a thousand things to rant about but I feel like I have nobody in my personal life to rant to. Most of it will be about my previous relationship where I ended up getting pregnant and he left me then abandoned his son. Nobody is required to read it lol I will still love all my fans and all the random people that are following me! Just curious. I'll probably post it anyways!


Its been a while since I have been on here but I was curious if I started a rant book would anyone honestly read it? I have a thousand things to rant about but I feel like I have nobody in my personal life to rant to. Most of it will be about my previous relationship where I ended up getting pregnant and he left me then abandoned his son. Nobody is required to read it lol I will still love all my fans and all the random people that are following me! Just curious. I'll probably post it anyways!


I am so so so so so so so sorry that I havent uploaded 'On The Run' in a while. School work and studying for the ACT is taking up my life but I am hoping after this semester I will be able to pick up the book again. I am truly sorry it has taken this long to write this chapter but I will make sure you guys get one before the new year!
          luv always, lucyjay18


Okay!! Since i didn't get my votes for the last chapter i am going to be posting this next chapter hopefully by the end of the day! no promises though!! i am really sorry that i am doing a suckish job on this book but i think it is a lot better than my other one so bare with me! i am going to take sometime and editing and make this one amazingly good for all my readers! i hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoy writing it!!!
          <3 Lucyjay18