
I swear the entire Percy Jackson fandom is in my comments✨✨
          	I'm going to enter to finall exams season in the oncoming month until july, so I hope I'll have time to write... You guys are so awesome I hope you had a nice valentines day:) 


I swear the entire Percy Jackson fandom is in my comments✨✨
          I'm going to enter to finall exams season in the oncoming month until july, so I hope I'll have time to write... You guys are so awesome I hope you had a nice valentines day:) 


Hey, can I make podfics of your MHA fanfics with all the proper Credits?


@wellyjoe2 thank you so much! Lmao this is so funny


sorry for the delay, and thanks for the permission ❤️


@wellyjoe2 hey! Yes of course:))) send me the link so I can hit the like when you upload it! 


Sup everypony:)
          Soon my first fic- Runaway- will end °©° and this has been amazing for me! The support I received for it was more than I imagined so I wanted to thank you all! For every comment, vote, view, or even just an add to your reading lists<3 
          On this opportunity, I am currently working on a new series of one shots that I will begin to update as soon as runaway ends:D I'm very excited, and I hope you'll like it:) 
          See you next chapter,
          lukasRaccoon ∆∞∆ Idk


Hey y'all, I have an announcement! 
          We just made it to the K's!!!!! My fic "Runaway" had officially passed the 1000 votes! holly avocado!!!!! :D
          I can't describe my happiness with words therefore I shall present to you a keymash:
          I hope this will continue to grow❤️ and thank you all so much for helping me get to this achievement ⭐⭐⭐✨✨✨


Dear @lukasraccoon, I'm a Youtuber, I do audio adaptation of MHA fanfiction stories. I loved the story written by you, So I have a humble request can I use your story for adaptation? I will definitely provide the original story link in the description.


@mediaswhatif this is amazing  thank you so much❤️❤️❤️⭐⭐⭐


@mediaswhatif also send here the link 


Hey yallll how are youuuuu
          I just wanted to say I love you all, and to open the app and see like 30 votes after a couple days I've been offline just cheered me up so thank you so much! 
          This could mean nothing to you, but for me it's fluttering ❤️❤️❤️
          So thank you and have a great week! 
          See you next chapter my people:)))


Hello I am but a humble wattpad reader that has many different ideas but is to scared to write( I also don't want the added stress of writing because I am in a gifted school and it is hard enough as it is) I was wondering is maybe I could give you a few of my ideas to maybe write. also I love your story. I really like books where it has izuku and shinso as friends and you are just a great writer in general.


Ok thank you, I can't give you an idea now because im going somewhere but I might later.


@NezukoandKeefe hey! First of all, thank you so much and good luck with your school! Secondly, you can always suggest ideas, but I don't promise that I will use them.❤️ If you want credit then of course just make sure to mention that:)))


I am happy to declare that I officially have 7 followers, and almost 700 votes! 
          That is insane!!! I remember that I got excited about 10 votes lmao (still doooooo)
          This is an appreciation post for you readers:) 
          I am always happy to talk and get fidback so I can get better XD
          (Chat quick I need friends)
          That's it 4 todayyyyy
          Love yall and take care of yourself ❤️❤️