I just watched prince of Egypt for the first time. As stated I consider myself atheist, but for a considerable amount of my life the stories of Moses and Jesus were drilled into my head. So when you get to the end of the movie and they don’t show you that Moses doesn’t get to the promised land with the rest kind of annoys me. Yes he gets the Ten Commandments and I’m sure that was supposed to be the important part, but they also don’t show how while Moses is on the journey for the Ten Commandments the hebrews begin to falsely worship a fake deity of they’re own creation. Most everything else about Moses’ life and story was there but those few parts that weren’t were the whole, moral of the story, for lack of a better description. Again I don’t entirely believe in the story of Moses and the like, but the movie didn’t hit every key point that is drilled in the Bible. Plus I’m sure any English translation of the Bible is wrong/different from the original language.