
China meremake Addicted. Sayang sekali, selain backgrounr ceritanya tidak sama dengan bukunya. Bisa dibilang versi "amannya" addicted. 


@ lysora13  nunggu aja lagi kita, (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) moga lancar.. Script writernya kang novelnya langsung katanya.. 


@nee_94 Kalau cuma ban ga bisa ketemu yah ga apa.. Ini sampe karir juga ga bisa. 


          Sorry for posting it here
          Can anyone help me find a story of forthbeam where beam is orphan he is studying medical and fourth who is studying engineering they start dating in college. beam is scared of rain because of his past trauma (in childhood he lives with his adopted father "but in reality he is his grandfather" beam ask him to come toh school function but he denied it so beam became angry and at night he stays with his friend because he is angry with his father. But later when he goes home he finds his father
          on land in rain dead then he find out that his father is planning to surprise him by going to his function but he cant.... So after thissss
          He meets forth family father grandfather and everyone they like beam like his own..
          And he started his internship in their hospital with their friends where his senior tried to harass him.. I only that much story and I can't find ot anywhere if someone knows this story so please tell me the name of the story..
          And yess I remember beam meet his granny in starting of the book where the granny like him to much and call him angel and want forth to Marry the angel ( beam)..
          Thank you


Izin nanya, Guys ada yg tahu gak crita Forthbeam yg judulnya ATTENTION yg udh di terjemahin ke b.indo? Critanya Phana sma Kit cuek sma beam krna udu pcar trus si Beam mau caper ngedeketin si Forth dan smpe si Beam digempur habis2an sma si Forth, pliiisss kasih tau yah author mna yg nerjemahin soalnya udh lupa dan lupa jga dimasukkin ke reading list


@mautauaja2323  can you please let me know who has translated it ? I have been searching for this story too


@ Tamakun_  udah di hapus ka ceritanya mau translate atau originalny


Maaf boleh saya numpang bertanya? Apakah ada yang ingat judul wattpad forthbeam yang mana mereka sudah dewasa, forthbeam sudah lama tidak bertemu, kemudian Beam ketemu Bas balita di depan patung Gundam, Bas adalah teman anaknya kimcop, lalu forth ayahnya bas jemput mereka dan bas panggil Bean Mae?


@ lysora13  terimakasih phi 


@deslinda second chance dari Forth Beam one shot collection