When I write I lose all thought about the real world and create my own. I daydream in the middle of class about ideas that just need to be put on paper. Being an author is something I see myself doing. William Shakespeare is one of my inspirations, I want to live up to a name like that. And joining this site was my first step. I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoy scribbling them down.

If I don't become an author I want to be a Theoretical Physicist. For those who don't know what that fancy title means a Theoretical Physicist is a scientist who studies atoms, the different properties of matter, energy, that kind of stuff. Yes, I know I sound like a dork.


So, I am a D.O.R.K and I take great pride in it as well.

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Favorite Shakespeare quote: The fool doth think he is wise but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.

(='.'=)This is Bunny. Put him on your
(")_(")profile if you are a silly person.
  • JoinedDecember 2, 2011

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madcourt16 madcourt16 Mar 21, 2012 12:03PM
Please watch this video and show it to EVERYONE you know.
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