
Hello lovely readers! I don’t know if you’d be interested but I have a Spotify playlist I’ve made of songs that remind me of the Slytherin boys or songs I think they would listen to. My Spotify name is Maddie da baddie with the same profile picture as here. Feel free to listen if you’d like! 


Madeline finish that piece of amazing art that you started, I want an end for corruptible and I don’t have it. Girl please, I loved your writing ant the story, just finish it ok? Please. 


Thank you so much for the love and support. I promise I am not done with it, I have been dealing with major health issues as of recent and have just not felt up to writing as much. I do have another chapter started and hope to get it done soon. 


Hey everyone so sorry for the hiatus I KNOW people have been waiting for corruptible to be updated and good news I just posted another chapter! Part 17 is up finally! These ones do take me a bit longer than my previous books with the way I format it and incorporate the pictures. I have also been rather sick recently coming down with that crazy pneumonia that was going around…sheesh it’s been a rough one but please please go read it and thank you for being patient with me I love you all and I love your enthusiasm for the book! Thank you! 


Hello everyone! Just wanted to update and let you guys know all three of my current works Corruptible, three headed snake, and sacred 28 have new chapters posted! So whichever one you are currently reading there’s an update for everyone! As always Love and appreciate you all 


A new chapter of Three headed snake has been posted! I’m sorry it took so long, I have been dealing with some health issues and have been doing my best to keep my stories updated but have had a lack of energy and there for a lack of creative input and output. I hope you all enjoy! 


A new chapter of the three headed snake has just been posted. I’m so sorry i was gone for a few weeks, I’ve been working on other projects and trying to hit my own reading goals  I hope everyone enjoys this part I’m currently writing another chapter as I post this as well! Happy weekend! 


Also please please please comment and engage with the story I love seeing what people have to say about it ♥️


Hello everyone! I know I’ve been gone for a while, I’ve been working on a personal project that has taken up a lot of my time. A new chapter of the three headed snake has been posted and the will hopefully be more to come soon! Thank you for being patient with me I wish I could have more hours in the day to write. Anyways much love  - Mads


I hope you never stop writing! The badger and the snake had me in a chokehold. And the three headed snake is chefs kiss


Will there be new chapters of Three Headed Snake? I just love it ❤️


I know it’s been awhile, I’ve been working on another project that I plan to publish and it’s taken up a lot of my time, but there is a new chapter up and hopefully more to come soon ♥️ thank you for your patience I appreciate all the love and support