
Hey, everyone! I'm working on something that started out as a short story but might cross over into novelette territory. It's been a long time, and my other writing projects will definitely be back, but in the meantime... if you enjoy artworks, urban fantasy mixed with some mild horror, secret art galleries and a butch protagonist, maybe check this out?


Hey, everyone! I'm working on something that started out as a short story but might cross over into novelette territory. It's been a long time, and my other writing projects will definitely be back, but in the meantime... if you enjoy artworks, urban fantasy mixed with some mild horror, secret art galleries and a butch protagonist, maybe check this out?


I'm back in black like AC/DC, with a new collection! I originally wrote a short time travel thriller story in the summer of 2021, but after a sudden hit of inspiration, I decided to expand on its premise for a full collection of short stories. Behold my brand new time travel thriller series, Repeat Rewind! I'd be much obliged if you folks checked this out, since it's the first piece of writing I've been excited about in a long time.


I appreciate the follow! You might be interested in the @KYCSupportGroup ! We are all horror writers looking to support each other :)


@SarahQuinnMcGrath Oh, thank you for the follow back, and for the message! I'll definitely check this out, I'd love to meet more horror writers on this site!


Hey, everyone. Writer's block has struck again, together with a really bad cold and an overall not great month. However, I managed to finish a short piece that my friends really liked, and I decided to post some of my spooky short fiction here until I can attempt to tackle anything larger-scale. So if you want to read some short horror stories that aren't deeply scary so much as unsettling, disturbing and/or very sad, with a pinch of dark fantasy, body horror and even sci-fi, you can check out this collection! Any feedback at all would be very appreciated.


Huzzah, the writer's block is broken! I've finally managed to start working on a project - not my older one, sadly, but a project at least. This one is a sapphic historical romance-fantasy that draws heavily from fairytales and folklore. The first three chapters are up for your viewing pleasure, and hopefully the rest will soon follow!


@empiresofwater I see you added this project to a reading list, thank you! I've never been very good with longform projects, but this is meant to be on the shorter side, so maybe I won't run out of steam too soon while working on it. I'm having lots of fun writing this, I hope you will enjoy it too 


@madhoneys ooooh sounds good! 