Lmao I just realized how funny I described Donghyuck in high class mess as if he’s the loveliest boy on earth lmao. He is absolutely f a r from that, especially with his relationship with mark lol.
Lmao I just realized how funny I described Donghyuck in high class mess as if he’s the loveliest boy on earth lmao. He is absolutely f a r from that, especially with his relationship with mark lol.
- I recently made a Mark Lee Fanfiction and I hope you can read it ^_^ I deeply appreciate comments and criticisms so I hope you would check it out :>
So I confessed my feelings to my crush today, and I got rejected. I honestly was expecting that to be honest, love has never actually been by my side romantically, but it hurts so bad because I’ve liked this person for over a year now. I’m sorry I’m just rambling it’s just none of my friends get it and I really don’t want to talk about this with my mom, yet alone my dad.
I’m doing better honestly. It’s easier to get over them once you just forget about them really and spend time to yourself. I still stop and pause when I hear his name but I’m honestly much happier with myself and I realized it was just a crush and I got over him. Trust me you will too and once you do you’ll see how it wasn’t such a big deal and you’ll feel better!
@glossiehun how you holding up now? Eventho its like 2 months away? I got used to getting rejected since I confessed to 3 of my crushes and all rejecyed and ignored me after that
happy birthday to my beautiful babies kang taehyun and pwark jisUng (I’m sorry love :D) I love them so much and if there are any moa’s or nctzens out there please wish our babies happy birthday:( ( still can’t believe they’re all grown up :’( )
I’m gonna say it now
Every single one of you that I’ve met or chatted with on wattpad are the most sweetest, kindest, funny and adorable babes ever :’).
aNd ThAtS On PeRiOdT—