
Good evening! 
          	I have decided that 'Sincerely, Yours Truly' is not going to have the student x prof trope. I've thought about this for a really long time na. I'm going to be honest, as I thought about writing na the chapters, I don't like na for it to have that trope, maybe that's why din ang bagal ko sa pag sulat. Ang hypocrite lang kasi I love reading about it but I don't like writing about it. So yeah, hehe. About kung ano na yung trope niya, I'm still thinking about it.
          	Hope you all understand. Thank you for reading the prologue! Enjoy the rest of the evening.


          	  The prologue's going to change for obvious reasons but the characters remain the same.


Good evening! 
          I have decided that 'Sincerely, Yours Truly' is not going to have the student x prof trope. I've thought about this for a really long time na. I'm going to be honest, as I thought about writing na the chapters, I don't like na for it to have that trope, maybe that's why din ang bagal ko sa pag sulat. Ang hypocrite lang kasi I love reading about it but I don't like writing about it. So yeah, hehe. About kung ano na yung trope niya, I'm still thinking about it.
          Hope you all understand. Thank you for reading the prologue! Enjoy the rest of the evening.


            The prologue's going to change for obvious reasons but the characters remain the same.


Evening! Hope you had your dinner already.
          I am sorry for not updating this book.
          If you're still interested in reading and you're anticipating for the chapters, I can only continue writing for the chapters when our Christmas break starts. (that is if our research won't k-ll me)
          So maybe next year is the official regular updates. (Expect slow updates)
          Have a great evening!