Hayy author long time no chat, ugh i'm bad at this...author please repost instinct i really want to finish reading it
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Hello everyone, It's been a while, hasn't it? I wanted to thank you for your support and being so very patient with me while I've been working through my writer's block. After being contacted by Dreame in an attempt to sell the rights to "A Dragon's Heart" I considered taking another look at the story. I never believed it to be something special or something I would have people pay to read, and it needs vast improvement, undoubtedly, but the offer that someone outside of Army wanting to read my story sparked a bit of hope in me. I have decided to unpublish "A Dragon's Heart" in pursuit of breathing life into it as an original story that I could potentially "publish" one day. Not for profit, but because there are so many ideas I have for the story that I hold myself back from executing because it doesn't fit the personality, style or morality of Bangtan. I know many of you will be saddened by this, and I am so sorry for those who wait for updates only for it to be discontinued like this. In addition, after studying the interactions of BTS amongst themselves I have no desire to continue a fic with a female love interest. With how strong the connection between Jk & Jm is I feel like it's almost wrong in a sense to have them not be together, but I don't want to turn this into a Jikook fic when it didn't start as one lol. My hope is that once I've finished with my completed version for self ePublishing, that I would be able to edit portions to finish as a fanfic, but who knows if that will be possible. Again, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Thank you so much for the support <3 I will take "A Dragon's Heart" down on 6.15.20 at 10pm PST.
@magickshoppe Hey! That's a really great opportunity for you! When I first started reading A Dragon's Heart, I knew it was going to be super good. The setting and the characters were so well designed, and the intimacy between the protagonists was quite natural. Please do tell us when the you publish the story in the other platform, as I am sure the others and I would love to read it regardless of whether its a BTS fanfic. Best of luck!
@magickshoppe congratulations kio!! I am happy for your future :D I won't lie I do wish you continued it as here as well. I honestly thought that you took a little hiatus and hoped that you would continue and finish this story but again this is a better opportunity for you and a great way to earn a little money... All the very best!!! :D :D :D
Congratulations on getting an offer to publish your book!! That is a huge opportunity and as a writer, you are free to do whatever you feel best for your story. I’m happy for you that you made a good decision on what to do. Stay strong and remember that your true fans will support you no matter what! <3
Hayy author long time no chat, ugh i'm bad at this...author please repost instinct i really want to finish reading it
Where did instinct went? Was reading it
Hay author just wondering where instinct went I didn't get to finish reading it
Hey there I've just finished " Instinct" it was going great at first but the sudden change of heart and loving heyjin and sudden mating without letting some time to pass And also mating between the same genetics would much better a rabbit and a lion!? Not so good. Wish u luck on ur future works Thanks
I know your bio says you're page is closed, but just wanted to give you a follow just in case you decide to be active again. I just can't get enough of your stories and would seriously love if you finished Harmony sometime in the future! Thanks for the good reads!!
There's no turning back after you start reading this. Trust me this will put a smile to your face. Every night someone talks about you. At least 15 people in this world love you. The only reason someone would hate you was because they only want to be you. There are two types of people in this world, that are which for you, and that are against you. [You mean the world to someone. someone you don't even know loves you. Anytime you make a mistake good comes out of it. Whenever you think the world has turned against you, turn around. Remember the compliments someone has given you and not the rude things] ☺️ So if you're a loving friend, send this to 15 people (including the one who sent you it :D) Something good will happen between noon and 4pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life. Send this to 15 people, make someone's day! Help someone out! Remember that you are loved ☺️ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F - ight for you R - espect you | - nvolve E - ncourage you N - eed you D - eserve you S - ave you ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (If you get 4 back you're liked, if you get 7 you are loved, and if you get 15 back you are amazing!)
@lavendeltraum43 it's ok :D I don't mind and I guess it is kind of sad that people don't usually give positive reactions to these type of messages, but I understand why most people would take it negatively or try to defend themselves, it's all part of human nature no matter how strange it is :) Have a nice day :DDD
@ AghaStayArMoa BRUH I DIDN'T SEE YOUR REPLY SORRYYYYY But thank you a lot I didn't expect you to be so understanding & friendly ( not that you didn't seem nice more like it's not a response that gets spoken to messages like that very often, which is actually very sad) :D
@lavendeltraum43 It's totally alright, thank you for telling me this. I didn't consider the possibility of this being annoying to someone. I don't want to become a reason for someone to look at their screen and feel annoyed so I appreciate this. I will stop sending out these messages unless they are alright with it. Once again thank you and sorry if this may have caused you to feel annoyed as well
Is there something wrong with "dragons heart" because I tried to read it but it is saying the story is not found
And to think I never got chance to read “A Dragon’s Heart” guess I was too late to the party :/
@cynthia4100 yea same I am trying to read it but it us saying the story is not found i'm confused
So... is Harmony discontinued? :(
@acupoftaewithakook81 For now, yes. I can't guarantee when, but I will try to finish it as a short story within the year!
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