
Hello everyone! 
          	One of the songs I used to listen to (White Winter Hymnal) while writing “Always There” came on shuffle today and I was overcome with a wave of nostalgia; from the story, from all of you, from that time when it was all coming together. What lovely days and nights we spent, gathered around these worlds we created. 
          	I hope you are all doing well. Please know I think of you all often. And so, so fondly.
          	I’ve recently gotten a new job at a bookstore and being surrounded by so many books and such inspiring stories has pushed me to finally start writing my first official “novel.” 
          	I know I’ve been anonymous this whole time, and I’ll continue to be so, until one day, maybe you’ll be purchasing my novel from your local bookstore and while flipping through the pages you recall some memories of our time together.
          	I promise you will all know it’s me.
          	But until then, just know these stories are not finished. I will return when it’s their time. 
          	Hope to see you all then.
          	All my love,


I like to think that if I were to come across this novel, somehow, by some cosmic connection, I would know it was you. 


Missing you and your creative mind! 


Hello everyone! 
          One of the songs I used to listen to (White Winter Hymnal) while writing “Always There” came on shuffle today and I was overcome with a wave of nostalgia; from the story, from all of you, from that time when it was all coming together. What lovely days and nights we spent, gathered around these worlds we created. 
          I hope you are all doing well. Please know I think of you all often. And so, so fondly.
          I’ve recently gotten a new job at a bookstore and being surrounded by so many books and such inspiring stories has pushed me to finally start writing my first official “novel.” 
          I know I’ve been anonymous this whole time, and I’ll continue to be so, until one day, maybe you’ll be purchasing my novel from your local bookstore and while flipping through the pages you recall some memories of our time together.
          I promise you will all know it’s me.
          But until then, just know these stories are not finished. I will return when it’s their time. 
          Hope to see you all then.
          All my love,


I like to think that if I were to come across this novel, somehow, by some cosmic connection, I would know it was you. 


Missing you and your creative mind! 


hi everyone! tomorrow night is my show is Uncasville! Is anyone else going? I’ll be in the pit! ♡ 


@mahoganyapples trust me, you still are :) 


@sera1124 I hope I can continue to give you things to bond over ♡ 


hello everyone, it's been so long since we've talked and I've missed getting together every night. 
          If there are any of you still here, I'd just like to talk about something personal for a moment. Over the course of "You're the One" and "Always There," I was unfortunately in the same position as Jaime; my mother was in and out of the hospital for over 2 years, hence my being able to update every night. I was in and out of hospital rooms, staying by her side until I was given answers, and I used these stories as an escape and a way to cope, and I thank you all for giving me a place to feel some sort of release from that life during that time. 
          I can happily say that since then, my mother has been home and things have been going very well, hence my absence, and I've just been enjoying the time with her that I've missed, but I will say, I also miss you too. 
          The gears have been turning and I know I want to come back to these stories if you'll still have me. I've noticed that Summer is what inspires me the most, so I hope to be back to you all very soon.
          Thank you for all of your support over the years.
          I hope to be seeing more of you again soon.
          All my love, 
          Mahogany. ♡


It feels very odd to know that we were going through similar things at the same time, and our coping efforts lead us to the same place.  I spent my time reading your stories while I was in and out of the hospital with my little brother.  Little did I know that the person providing my with my distraction was distracting themself from the very same thing.  I'm glad to hear that your mother has been well, my brother has been, too.  He'll be graduating high school this spring (something we never thought we'd get to see him do).  The world works in mysterious ways.


@sera1124 ♡ ♡ ♡ don’t worry, I always intend on finishing every story I finish, I just follow the inspiration where it takes me, but they will always get their ending ♡ 


ancient fan here but i've missed reading 'Always There' so much! hopefully will get back into it soon, all my love and support for your family❤️


hello everyone ♡ sorry for my inactivity, life is hectic right now and on top of that I want to give "Always There" the proper send off it deserves. It's been hard staying inspired lately, having been thinking about the new story, but I promise a conclusion (and new beginning) will be coming soon.
          thank you to everyone who still sticks around. I appreciate you all and hope you're doing well. ♡


@gvf_luvr this means the world to me ♡ thank you. 


@mahoganyapples take your time and make it the best you feel it needs to be!! We'll be here to read and support you whenever you're ready.


Hello everyone! ♡ I hope you've all been well. As I'm sure you've noticed, story updates have become a little more sparse these days, but I hope to come back to you all more often as the seasons change. 
          'Always There' is also coming to an end! (As maybe some of you might've suspected) and I'm excited to dive back into one of my other (neglected) babies. Hope to see you all again soon.
          and for those of you who still continue to read and comment every chapter, I see you and I appreciate you. ♡ thank you.


i’ll follow you anywhere ms apples


@ mahoganyapples  we love you and appreciate you 


Todays the day!! ♡ will anyone else be at the Madison Square Garden show tonight? I’m so excited! ♡ 


@KylieHowe5 maybe you’ll see me!! (But you won’t know it) 


me me me!!‍♀️‍♀️


Happy Starcatcher Release Day! ♡ how are we all feeling? first impressions? personally, I’m loving the Archer and Waited All Your Life and currently hold a personal vendetta against Josh for cutting Runway Blues short and I will not be getting over it. 




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i cried tears of joy, i am so fucking proud and happy for him! light my love will hit even harder now. i am so glad he decided to share this, it must’ve been hard keeping it a secret for 8 years 


@sadiegvf I know D’: the vibes are just different now. Maybe Jake will get his chance to shine again LOL 


i couldn’t be more proud but i feel like it’s wrong to read fanfics abt him now LMFAO


Maybe it’s finally time for Josh & Jaime to come back home. 


@mahoganyapples barely, i’m in my lil break period from school but then I’m back after next week. send help ;( 


@mahoganyapples you mean Sam and Jaime? 