Hello everyone! One of the songs I used to listen to (White Winter Hymnal) while writing “Always There” came on shuffle today and I was overcome with a wave of nostalgia; from the story, from all of you, from that time when it was all coming together. What lovely days and nights we spent, gathered around these worlds we created. I hope you are all doing well. Please know I think of you all often. And so, so fondly. I’ve recently gotten a new job at a bookstore and being surrounded by so many books and such inspiring stories has pushed me to finally start writing my first official “novel.” I know I’ve been anonymous this whole time, and I’ll continue to be so, until one day, maybe you’ll be purchasing my novel from your local bookstore and while flipping through the pages you recall some memories of our time together. I promise you will all know it’s me. But until then, just know these stories are not finished. I will return when it’s their time. Hope to see you all then. All my love, Mahogany.

I like to think that if I were to come across this novel, somehow, by some cosmic connection, I would know it was you.