"Never judge a book by its movie." - J. W. Eagan. 

Hello! I'm Mal. You can call me Satan, Devil, Lord of the darkness, or just Mal.

I love reading, writing, food, gay ships and music (though mostly Rock+).

If you need or just want someone to talk to, I'm here! Feel free to send me a message (:

There's not much to say about me besides that... so here are some random facts. I think a lot, probably too much, and am a terrible perfectionist. Also, English is not my native language, and so I apologize for any past and future mistakes.

I have two more accounts: @TheRandoMalAwards for competitions and writing challenges, and @Malisme666 for backup.

I'd love it if you followed me and read my stories, and thank you for those who already do. I really appreciate you all <3
  • Sitting on a chair alone, in the darkness.
  • انضمJune 8, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
Mal6296 Mal6296 Dec 24, 2018 02:48PM
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