
Hi! Long time no see, I'm not coming back to write. I came here to thank all of you. All the ones who commented, voted or followed me. I see all the notifications every morning, and every damn time it maked my heart swell to know that someone read and somewhat liked what I wrote myself when I was in a dark place. So I just wanted to thank all of you from the bottom of my eart, because you make my day when I see your notifications. Thank you


Hi! Long time no see, I'm not coming back to write. I came here to thank all of you. All the ones who commented, voted or followed me. I see all the notifications every morning, and every damn time it maked my heart swell to know that someone read and somewhat liked what I wrote myself when I was in a dark place. So I just wanted to thank all of you from the bottom of my eart, because you make my day when I see your notifications. Thank you


@Manuotherthings, could I ask for something?


@LauraLeal833  I don't take request , but I like the idea , maybe , MAYBE , I could come up with something


@LauraLeal833 I was wondering if the story could take place in the early 2000s as it could follow from the main character's perspective and if the story could have over 1,000 to 2,000 word count?


@LauraLeal833 my original idea was for the main character to fall in love with Rami as she moved out of her parents house and away from her hometown to live in Malibu in order to be closer to Los Angeles so that she could be an actress but instead she works as a youtube gamer who plays games on YouTube, sings covers of her favorite songs, artists and bands and she makes short films on her channel and fate brings them together naturally.