I'm gonna rewrite all of the Benny Rodriguez storyline so SOAK IT UP! I'll take everything down and release a few times a week. Questions: - Should I fix the fourth base thing? I had made a disclaimer in the information chapter of the first book about why there was fourth base instead of a short stop. Should I just keep the fourth base or make a short stop? - Obviously, I'll redo the first book first. Would anyone still want the second book up or would it be better that I just take down everything at once and then release everything as it gets edited? TTFN

Extra question: Would we still want everything to take place in modern times or would we want to do an actually 60s time period?

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions for rewriting, even if it's as simple as a new mannerism for any one of the characters or an extra scene you'd want to see. Let me know through here or I do answer private messages.