
Warwick’s Physics Professor and Ph.D. Bill Murray speaking on dark matter, time-tunnels and extra dimensions... 


My oldest daughter teaches me not to be afraid of horses :)
          Good day, besides studying (quantum) physics, looking for answers in the paranormal, writing books and articles, I take the time to participate in my children’s hobbies.
          My oldest daughter Petronella loves horses as I’m immense afraid of those huge and strong animals … watch how Petronella gets me to the point to ride a horse :)
          (The language I speak in the video is Dutch)



SST, the beginning of an Alien invasion?
          Paranormal Underground Radio; SST, the beginning of an Alien invasion?

          Last night (26-01-2017) Paranormal Underground Radio broadcasted a very interesting interview with Gavin Kelly & Paula Purcell from Phantasmic Ghost Hunters who are talking about their paranormal investigations and experiences.
          At 1 hour, 54 minutes and 30 seconds, another correspondent segment of me can be heard concerning how a space defense system (SST) can be turned into a system what can choose its own objects of threat.
          I wonder if this system has something to do with Trump kicking the world, making enemies like Mexico for instance.
          ps: the repeating of the sentence “the future of the US and global security” is not an error.


Last night (13-01-2017)Paranormal Underground Radio started 2017 with a remarkably radio broadcast in-which you can hear my NEW RADIO AD at 27 min and 25 sec.
          At 1 hour and 50 minutes into the program you can hear me speaking about THE SHADOW PEOPLE as well as MJ12; who created who?!
          The technical problems they (Cheryl Knight, Chuck Gotski and Karen Frazier) encountered in the beginning of the show did made me think of what people say of The Slenderman who, so is being said, does have the power to interfere with technical devices like e.g. computers.
          This is also what Don Allison have experienced while he was writing his book ‘I met a ghost at Gettysburg’ in the haunted house he is living in … listening to his story it almost sounds like that the entity was writing this book together with Don.
          The links on my website will direct you to the radio program of Paranormal Underground Radio and the Amazon site of Don Allison.


Is our reality truly based on an illusion? ... Some people are convinced of this being a daily fact, others think of it as pseudo-science.
          Nr. 45 – Edition 2017 of the German magazine Q-PHAZE is ALMOST HERE and will contain the German written version of my article ‘The Real Technology Behind the WOW! signal … is it a secret NASA program?’ what was earlier published by the American magazine Paranormal Underground in March 2016.
          What ever your believes are, this German magazine Q-PHAZE contains a variety of subjects letting your mind wonder through the universe ... topics which 'can' give you a different look at today's reality.
          (Issue 45 will be available in January 2017)