A cup of good stirred with bad 🌹✨
  • انضمJanuary 16, 2013


الرسالة الأخيرة
mariavanillaa mariavanillaa Sep 27, 2016 04:50PM
Finally! I will be posting a new Chapter a few minutes from now! :) Sorry if it took so long (._.) Mianhae~ I'm very inspired now b'coz of our maknae JUN-young!  So I'm anticipating that I can make n...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم Maria Yza
I'M DATING MY BIAS (U-Kiss Fan Fiction ♥) بقلم mariavanillaa
I'M DATING MY BIAS (U-Kiss Fan Fic...
This story is about Eun Mi, a simple fangirl who also dreams to be an Idol. She had her once in a lifetime 'c...
1 قائمة قراءة