
I know I'm not so great at this communication thing, especially seeing as how my precious readers number in the hundreds and not thousands, but I think I'm pretty good at the writing thing, and I do appreciate thoughtful feedback. So, since the last time I updated, Marvelina has been finished for awhile now. Not getting many reads, but it's funny that two of my stories are ranked in #absurd. Marvelina and also 1-800-YOR-DICK , which is flash fiction for those of you who don't want to commit to a novel. I do have the absurd comic in me for sure. What I have been updating every day is Note to Note I've posted 104 notes so far... when I get to 200 that'll be all folks...unless I start feeling a little more love from Wattpad. Wishing y'all Peace and Poetry.


I know I'm not so great at this communication thing, especially seeing as how my precious readers number in the hundreds and not thousands, but I think I'm pretty good at the writing thing, and I do appreciate thoughtful feedback. So, since the last time I updated, Marvelina has been finished for awhile now. Not getting many reads, but it's funny that two of my stories are ranked in #absurd. Marvelina and also 1-800-YOR-DICK , which is flash fiction for those of you who don't want to commit to a novel. I do have the absurd comic in me for sure. What I have been updating every day is Note to Note I've posted 104 notes so far... when I get to 200 that'll be all folks...unless I start feeling a little more love from Wattpad. Wishing y'all Peace and Poetry.


Hello friendly followers and Wattpadders. My novel Marvelina, currently available here on Wattpad, is in a contest at If you like the story and would like to see it made into a movie, please take a moment to visit this link and vote for it!  Thanks to each of you for taking the time to read, comment and vote.


It’s a stormy weekend morning here, perfect for reading. I just published part one of ch 24 of Marvelina. Here’s a teaser
          You will see her dancing in the flames.
          You will hear her singing in the wind.
          She will lead without knowing who follows her.
          - Book of Marven, verse 3, the way it will be


Good morning readers and writers! At least it's morning here for me. I just posted the first part of Chapter 23 of Marvelina. Here's a teaser.... You know what you know.
          Water falls. Water rises.
          Life never lasts, but there is always life.
          We all dance around a fire not lit by any of us.
          - Book of Marven, verse 2, the way it will be
          Please come on back and read a little more, and let me know you were there. I really could use some encouragement...
          Wishing you all Peace and Poetry.


Happy New Year to all you readers and writers. I hope that you all are busy doing just that, reading and writing! I just posted the first part of Chapter 22 of Marvelina. I have been getting some reads, which is nice, but I would really love some comments or votes, or both! So, if you take the time to read, please leave me a bread crumb or something....   I also posted another note this morning to Note to Note... this one is about not shopping... wishing each of you Peace and Poetry in the New Year.


Good Morning to everyone who has followed me or one of my books. I really appreciate you. I have been updating two books every day. Note to Note is very short poetry. I publish a new one six days a week. Please look through the titles of the chapters and look at what jumps out at you! And then let me know which that was by leaving a comment or a vote. That would be a great Christmas present for moi. The other is Marvelina. This morning I posted the first part of Chapter Seventeen. Please get involved with this story. It involved several years of my life! I hope that you are all in a relaxed holiday mode. Don't go for the hype! Wishing each of you Peace and Poetry.


Hello fellow writers and readers. Yesterday I managed to prepare more of my notes for Note to Note, so I am updating it once daily again. I'm going to keep going until I reach the chapter limit on Wattpad for a book. Thanks to those of you who cast votes for it! I really appreciate the idea that someone is reading my poetry and hopefully getting something out of it, more than anything else. Of course I also updated Marvelina today, and will keep doing so every day until all the chapters are published. Please take a look and leave me a comment. I have been working on Marvelina for years and so much want to get it out into the world somehow... Wishing you each of you Peace and Poetry.