
Just to let you guys know I may or may not change the title of my book I Can't even in 2016 
          	Enjoy your New Years Eve everyone


im sorry i haven't posted anything yet but i haven't been writing, i know this is bad but i know what to write but just have no idea how to write it for any of my books. Also im back at school and it's been alright so far


Hello dear readers how are you going? I really hope I Can't Even isn't boring and you guys are liking it, in your sake I really hope the amount I'm writing and the amount of chapter I'm posting are satisfactory to you guys, and I'm sorry if I was too descriptive in the last chapter. 
          I would really like if you guys could share the story with your followers or friends 'cause I feel like no one is reading my stuff which is making me question why I'm still writing when a small amount of people are reading the story and it would really help if you guys liked or commented on the chapters it doesn't have to be all of them but it lets me know whether I did well on them if you guys are enjoying the story and the way I write.
          But over all thank you for reading my book and I might include some more peoples point of views in the up coming chapter, also I'll try to write longer chapters :)


i will make sure i get chapter 12 out as soon as possible b/c of the ending of chapter 11 if you are curious on what's going to happen in 11 GO READ IT AND LIKE IT AND SHARE IT WITH YOUR FRIENDS!! but yeah i really want to know how what happens next so i will make sure 12 is out as soon as possible


@maryelizabeth377  this is for 'i can't even'