
Hey everyone! I am now remaking my first book, Roommates, because I wrote it when I was 12 and.. well it wasn’t the best.. if you want, go check it out! 


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Aye I've never posted a message before but umm... 
          I like your book. Thanks for following me, you fucking wonderful potato chip. :)
          Love you man. 


Extreme laughing faces*


 Love you too.


You may not accept this reading request, but it is worth a try. Could you please go check out my ongoing novel, The Hate Project? It's my first book on Wattpad and I am trying to gather as much audience as I can. If you choose to vote, share and comment I would appreciate it and do the same for your novel(s). Thank you so much!!
          Happy Readings,
          T'Naya B.