Hey guys,
I just want y'all to know if we lose net neutrality, I'm not going to be on here anymore. My parents would see I have this and Tumblr, and I can't risk that. So, I just wanted to say that I love all of y'all, and keep safe and love one another.
@BoldlyMysterious Oh cool. I listen to Christan pop and rock, 80's ( because lets be real here, 80's music is some of the best music), alternative, and country.
Hey guys,
I know if any of y'all follow @KaylyneTheNerd , you would probably have seen her message from early today at 7:32 pm. Well, with that, I'm gonna steal some of what she said(Please don't kill me Kaylyne). I'm also sick of losing people. One of my closest friends walks the fine line between life and death with suicidal thoughts. Just please read this and take this with you the rest of your days. You matter. People care about you. People love you. You don't believe me, go and look around you. You are not a waste of space. You are not paper if you think about cutting. You are loved. You ate important. You are beautiful. You matter and I love you.