Hii! I know I haven't been around long, and I recognise you probably won't see this but - y'know, Ima send you a long paragraph anyway.
I hope you're doing well now! I hope things have gotten better since your last few announcements, and if they haven't, I'm so sorry to hear that (genuinely).
I'm also aware that if you're not doing so well, then the last thing you'll probably want to do is open up to a complete stranger on Wattpad, but if by chance you do want to talk, I open this app like- every day, so I'm always here!
Anyway, if and when you do see this, I hope life has been treating you well, and that you have a lovely day/night! <3
To anyone else who might read this: hello! As I've just said to the author, I hope you're all doing well! And, once again, I open this app every day, so if you'd like to talk about quite literally anything, I'm here! Stay hydrated, make sure you eat enough, and sleep enough (I'm looking at you, 1am Wattpad users) and have a lovely rest of your day/night! <3