
I am officially in love with The Invisible Life Of Addie LaRue. 
          	Tragically beautiful.


Speak now>>>> 
          (the album) 


@meherandthem_on_ speak now era and album is easily top three 


          and it is so pretty? I'm amazed. 
          It's Jo, in a field full of grass at the colour of hey, probably on early autumn, and she's holding a basket for flowers. 
          IT'S SO PRETTY.
          and let me tell you I found it on a really big supermarket with a book section for only 4€??!!!!! It also had pride and prejudice (but I already have another copy) and great expectations (plus tsoa, cbyn, twilight, the alchemist and other -tho translated and over 15€ English books, such as Shadow and Bone, siege and strorm) 
          I'm so excited to read it, and I'm literally setting aside anything else. Gonna wake up, take a shower cause I kind of need it and then make my blue fruit tea and read all morning<3 


i need to buy a physical copy of little women. I need to:")
          i couldn't keep myself away and i did see the movie, but i didn't see pride and prejudice to read it first instead. (i got it today and i'm so happy. I read like, one paragraph ? And i already love the writing.)


"Your body, My choice" is the most terrifying thing I've ever heard.
          It's so disgusting seeing my rights being striped away. ("You don't live in the USA, your going to be fine") 
          No one is going to be fine, this is going to have huge consequences worldwide. Other counties are going to criminalise abortion soon. 
          This isn't going to just affect women, it's going to have an impact in the whole world. 
          How is it okay for a rapist to get in jail for 6 months, and for a woman who got an abortion illegally to get in jail for 99 years ? How is this fair, how is this a decision taken with sanity? 


this message may be offensive
Are you fucking kidding me ? This is a war. 
          This is a war against equality. 
          This is a war against bodily autonomy. 
          This is a war against liberty. 
          This is war against women. 
          This is a war against pregnant POC that aren't receiving proper healthcare.
          This is a war against any uterus owner. 
          Use your platform. Stand up, take place. 
          It happened in Poland (2020), it's been happening in the UK part of Ireland, now it's happening in the USA (2022). 
          We need to act.
          Women (mostly, but any other person with an uterus too), are officially viewed as reproduction machines, items, are being dehumanised. S*x and abortion are being criminalised. 
          We're not going to stay silent, our rights are being striped away from us, with the excuse of saving babies, when hundreds d** every year because of gun violence (and guns still have more rights than we do.) 
          F*ck pro-lifers. F*ck the government. F*ck misogynists.
           Our rights lasted 49 years. (1973-2022) 
          Men's right have never been questioned.
          Living women/people with uteruses matter more than possible babies. 


To everyone who's struggling this time period, with exams or diplomas or literally anything, take care of yourself<3 you deserve to rest, you deserve to do the things that you love, your efforts will pay off and you're doing good. Stay hydrated and eat well<3333(and stream  Hh, I had to say it)