
Welp, I don’t exactly know how to say this, but I’m leaving. Not cause I want to. I’m prolly not gonna be able to come back on for months maybe a year. I’m gonna keep my account up, but I’m not gonna be active for a while.


@AshorRaven yeah, shes okay, she just kinda got in trouble with her mom


Hey, your graphics request has been published.


@MiraculousPokeblader ok thanks for letting me know :)


@memymonster Please claim them before the limit of 3-days expire.


Hey there! 
          I hope this message finds you well.
           I wanted to touch base with you about your interest in continuing as a swiftly writing community book reviewer. 
          We have a lot of books waiting for review and could really use your help.
           Before I send any books your way, ( only if you are still interested in participating that is)
          I wanted to check to see what kind of books you are comfortable with reviewing. 
          Are you open to reading books with mature themes, or are you strictly only willing to review books rated PG-13? 
          Your input is crucial, so please let me know as soon as possible.
           Thank you so much for your time 



Hi :)
            Yes I am still willing to participate and I am only willing to review books rated PG-13
            Thank you for sending this to me :)


Hey everyone! Sorry to be messaging on here but I have no other way to contact people on here.
          I NEED HELP AND FEEDBACK! I am currently embarking on my fourth attempt to write my debut novel, at the age of sixteen. And I could really use some feedback. The first eight chapters of my first draft are available here and I would love to hear your thoughts. I would be more than happy and interested to read any of your work and provide feedback as well. You can contact me here on Wattpadd or on my email, , please be brutally honest with your feedback, positive or negative I need it all,
          Thank you for your time!