
I keep forgetting to come back. Don’t get me wrong I love this place and enjoyed fangerling over fanfictional stories. It feels so euphoric every time I spent reading here. I wanna write again. But I gotta get some inspiration first!!


cock and balls


They used to say keep ur friends close n ur enemies closer back then, but everyone forgotten about the fact that humans have the ability to change themselves whether it’s good or bad. The thing is we know our enemies too well, but we never know when one of our most trust worthy friends can secretly turn against us at any moment 


this guy in my class who I always call him gay was telling me how shocked he was when he saw me sitting beside my enemy and talking to her the entire day to the point even her friends were shocked. Well I sat beside her because I was bored that’s all. I think she thinks I’m considering her as my friend. Hell no bitch I still want to run you over a truck. 


Y’all I won a certificate for first position in school for writing an essay about ICT. I DIDNT KNEW IT WAS AN ESSAY I JUST SPAT TECHNOLOGY STUFF ON THE PAPER CAUSE I WAS BORED DHJE8ISSJS8


@meraki-ten no one:
            Tia: I was bored


I deadass wrote 6 pages cause I was bored :’))