Asalam o Alikum guys! So a few recent developments in my life have cemented the idea that I won’t be able to ever get back to finishing or editing these stories. I genuinely wanted to but I know im only dragging you guys along because my work, life and other hobbies are just not letting me spare time for this. On top of this, the curses and some stuff in the book always sit like a burden in the back of mind and I just don’t like the feeling so I’m prolly going to delete at least threatened hugged and married. I apologise to all the people who genuinely enjoyed reading it and were still waiting for the ending. I know I’d be devastated if same happened with any of my fav books so I’m extremely sorry but I just don’t want to risk my hereafter for a small temporary thing. May Allah give you all lots of happiness, success and good health. Please remember me in your prayers if you’re ever reminded of me. Allah Hafiz.