
hello everyone, in case any of you wondered why I haven't uptaded 'welcome back', 'anywhere' or 'haunted' yet, it's because i'm currently doing an internship at a daycare while working at my job at the same time, so i didn't really had the time yet, but i do am planning on uptading at least two of these stories this week!! <3 tonight i'll be at a jason derulo concert, so story uptades will probably be coming between monday and friday :)


hello everyone, in case any of you wondered why I haven't uptaded 'welcome back', 'anywhere' or 'haunted' yet, it's because i'm currently doing an internship at a daycare while working at my job at the same time, so i didn't really had the time yet, but i do am planning on uptading at least two of these stories this week!! <3 tonight i'll be at a jason derulo concert, so story uptades will probably be coming between monday and friday :)


Guess who’s back and still alive!
          Don’t even ask, my life was a literal mess and I didn’t know when what or with whoms inspiration I was supposed to write smth. 
          But I’m back now and have actually been brainstorming about a new story.
          Don’t worry “Welcome back” and “Haunted” are still going to be finished, but I just need smth new to get me back on track.
          So I hope I will be able to introduce you to the first chapter today, but we’ll see I’m definitely excited! 


Heyy, I’ve just started reading your book called “Ruin the friendship” and I really like it so I wanted to ask you when will you finish it, because I think it’s gonna be a really interesting book if it will continue from its current version, tbh I will appreciate some new chapters or at least a hint of releasing some chapters or yours message about the book?
          Have a lovely day!


@midnightlucaya Great!Thanks for the answer i appreciate it


At the moment my focus is on „Haunted“ and „Welcome Back“ but I will finish every book I started! But I choose which one I finish first based on my inspiration which hasn’t been quite there for RTF at the moment 


When does the next Episode of haunted come out? I love the story!!! (Sorry for my bad englisch I'm form Germany)


Hii auch von Deutschland hier! Wollte gerade noch ein posting bezüglich dazu posten :) ich hoffe ja dass ich das heute schaffe, da ich mir vorgestern nochmal die Kapitel durchgelesen hab um meine Memory wieder aufzufrischen. Online Unterricht hat halt nur anders doll gestresst im Moment, aber ich hab mir das für heute vorgenommen! :) 