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hello everyone, sorry for being offline a lot. my exams are over now and i've finished The Lie Of The Crown (i've discovered that i hate editing with a passion, so it's taking me a very long time to go through it and rewrite all the parts that don't work)
i started a new book which doesn't have a title yet but i'm debating if i should put here. i'll give an extract and anyone who sees it can tell me if they'd be interested in seeing more or not. if no one answers, i'll take it as a no.
anything like *this* should be in italics
"*This human is a fucking idiot.*
Oisín tilted her head and stood over the slumped figure. Half of her brain told her that she probably shouldn't kick him while he was down, but she supposed that was probably the side endowed to her by her mother and kicked him anyway.
"Are you awake?" She asked, then nearly kicked herself for asking such a redundant question. *Ah, yes. This fainted human is quite clearly awake.*
A rabbit squirmed in her earth-painted hands. "Oh, right," muttered Oisín, and wrung its neck before she forgot to again. It twitched, twitched some more, then laid still. Things took a while to die here."