this message may be offensive
I fell out of love with her so quickly. It all happened so fast and it was just there. I had no more feelings for the green eyed girl I met a year ago today. She was once someone who had full control of me. She was the reason if I was feeling happy or sad or angry, whatever the fuck but I just don't think you can fall out of love with someone you loved so damn much. It really has me thinking I never truly loved her in the first place. No, that's not true at all. I loved everything about that girl. Her beautiful face and soul, her laugh I just loved hearing, her beautiful voice I could listen to forever, but most of all her amazing personality. Fuck I miss her so much. She just isn't the same anymore..she doesn't talk much and it makes me think I did something wrong, I now know I didn't. I just fucking miss her laugh but it just sounds haunting to me now. Its kinda dumb being in love with someone who doesn't wanna live right? Which is why I cannot love her anymore. I need to say goodbye for good. The little noise in the back of my head will soon be quiet for good. I'm sorry.