alsooo sorry for the ping but, what do you guys think of a non anime book ? ima leave a part of it here lmk if u think i should keep going with it or not ~ I was shoved back into a wall, with my hands being held above my head by another pair of hands. Those hands led down to leather clad arms to a masked face. The mask this person was wearing covered everything except for their eyes. Their eyes intrigued me, a swirling mess of gold, red, and black made up their iris. “As kinky as this is I’m going to ask you to kindly let me go.” I said bored, I mean come on, was this the best they could come up with? In an alley? Behind a dumpster? Really? What are we in a frickin movie? I yawned, “C’mon man just let me go. This isn’t even exhilarating, where’s the flavor? This is so cliché dude. And next to a dumpster outside of a bar where I work? Ugh. Boring.” The masked guy just stared at me, well that’s what it looked like because well it’s midnight, and the dude has a mask on so I can’t see his face. “ You sweetheart, are coming with me” the man said he was obviously using a voice changer, like no one’s voice comes out robotic, plus it sounded like the one I have at my house that I got from spirit Halloween for 5 bucks last year. He was still holding onto my wrists keeping them pinned over my head but it was obvious this guy had no clue what he was doing. He left his jewels wide open, like too easy to kick, it made me almost not want to kick him. Just because it’s no fun to use a wide open opportunity. So, I jammed my knee up into his nuts. As he fell down clutching himself I rubbed my wrists and crouched down next to him and sighed, I should probably start running but I felt bad so I dug around in my purse and pulled out an old pack of cigarettes I had from my ex still. “I don’t know if you smoke but if you do I’m leaving you some cigarettes and my lighter for when you can move again. If you don’t smoke then hey I left them with trash anyways. Have a good night man!”

@Thatoneweeb0106 its just a tart i had come up with, u think i should make it into an actual book?