
Heyyyy, so I did a big dumb and didn't realize that theres fiber glass inside of shovels..and I touched my broken shovel. But I can't update until I fix my hands, so I'm very very sorry!!


Heyyy! I love your writing and I would love to see your Tsuaka x reader update once more!! All love from, Rae. <33


NP! I love you’re writing is amazing! Take your time!!


@cutienostxlgia thank you so much! I've been thinking sbout updating it sometime but I've been super busy with school and work, will update soon tho :)


Boom! You have been visited by me, saying that you're a drop dead gorgeous gal or charming, handsome guy :D and heck ur my friend even if u dont wanna be ÒաÓ. Send this to whoever you think deserves it cuz why not? (or u can send it to me cuz I'd never complain about more love) If you get 1-3 back you're loved <3 (but if not remember i sent this to you in the first place so you're loved anyway ÒաÓ) <3 <3 <3


this message may be offensive
Hi..theres 536 of you (followers) and idk your religious standpoints but if you practice the craft or know someone who practices please do not hex the moon or the f a e. Those are both very sacred and very powerful and its incredibly stupid to do something so dangerous. I don't wanna hear "you can't say" because literally it's a warning for your safety. Any hex you put on the moon will come back ten fold, it will NOT stick and the f a e  will fuck you up, theres been people who have died because they stole from them, hexing is worse then stealing. So please, if you practice, consider practicing, or know someone who practices please do NOT hex the moon, the f a e , or any kind of deity.


I've completely burnt myself out with creativity. I know what I'm gonna do for Smile cause I already have a good portion of it planned but putting it into writing might be a bit hard. I've been trying to write everyday along with drawing and painting so overall my creativity is wack. I might take a day to get some rest and let my body and mind chill for a bit. 


Hi, Happy Birthday. I know your birthday through @eri_with_a_gun . Wish you a nice day. When she mentioned you in her post. I immediately came here and ( Stalk www ) talk to you. I've read your a several chapter of your book, Tsukasa x reader. It is a nice book. You're awesome! I hope you keep up with a good work and celebrated your birthday happily. May god bless you and have a nice day. sorry if my english is bad www and sorry to come here without warning www


@Kizuna_Aoi I'm so sorry that I just saw this!! Its absolutely fine if you wanna talk with me, I don't mind at all. I'm very glad that you like the book! That encourages me to work even harder on it! Thank you for the wishes even though I just saw this! 


So since it's my birthday today, I'll be posting Chapter 4 of Smile!!


@miniiable Happy Birthday! Stay cool and happy. Remember we're always there for you so try hard and keep smiling! :)


@miniiable Happy Birthday. Enjoy your day as much as you can