at this point I really only post here to keep track of stories because let's face it podcasts don't have any fanbase here. On that note, anyone interested in jrwi fics?
at this point I really only post here to keep track of stories because let's face it podcasts don't have any fanbase here. On that note, anyone interested in jrwi fics?
Br'aad rolling up in a pink barbie princess powerwheels jeep, driving into Ob'nockshai's legs and running him over: Get wrecked NERD-
(I mean it's as good as cannon imo lmao)
Two new chapters of Calamity, for the few of you who've been following along with that one! Finally throwing some WtNV into the mix! Sorry for how long it took to get these chapters out, hoping the next ones won't take as long!
Guess who's spent the past five months trying to write the next chapter of a story only to delete it all and rewrite it in one night.
It's me.
I did that.
*projects on characters through headcannons* *projects on characters through headcannons* *projects on characters through headcannons* *projects on characters through-
anyways Damian hums when he's thinking or working, no I don't take criticism
This is so random but you know what I'd love to see? Oliver Queen get into fight with Damian Wayne. Purely because there's a 98% chance of it going like this:
Oliver: I will not fight a child. I will not fight a child. I will not fight a child...
Damian: Try me bitch
Oliver: ...
@minnemudder true but its pretty surprising that at first Dick Grayson Jason Todd Tim Drake and Damian Wayne didnt even know that they were brothers at first adopted brothers but still they first reactions to each other werent that friendly cause they mostly wanted to kill each other and later on they accept each other as brothers like look at Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne they used to hate each other in the son of batman Damian even though it happened off scene he beated up Dick in batman vs robin Dick and Damian basally mock each other in batman bad blood Dick and Damian argued alot in the movie in justices league vs teen titans Damian calls Dick unavoidable irritation in teen titans judas contract Damian laughs at Dick for losing to Starfire and in justices league dark apokolips war Damian admits to Raven that Dick was his brother meaning that Damian finally accepted Dick as his brother
@Boomer1507 Yes! I feel like a lot of them are/would be anti-killing and be constantly on the verge of picking a fight with Jason. In a scenario with them having to work together (for whatever reason), I think the chances of that happening is fairly high tbh
@minnemudder i will love to see the children of superman batman flash(Barry Allen) and green arrow or at least Superboy(Jon Kent) Nightwing(Dick Grayson) RedHood(Jason Todd) RedRobin(Tim Drake) Robin(Damian Wayne) Don Dawn William Clayton and Speedy(Mia Queen) get into a fight while fighting a group of villains it would probably most likely be about RedHood(Jason Todd) killing someone cause RedHood(Jason Todd) is a super hero that kills his enemies
So I'm looking back through old messages (kind of a personal celebration, of sorts, for an anniversary) and over the past year... damn. Like one day I'm sending my partner a cheesy poetic message wishing them a happy new year and a week later I'm messaging them asking if they're okay because things were suddenly going back to hell and neither of us could gather up the energy to give a shit because everything was just so bad and completely out of our control.
I literally don't know how I would have made it through all of this so far without them and I just... I don't know. Count your blessings I guess?
There's been so many ups and downs that I haven't really paid attention to what's stayed with me the whole time.
Me, eading through my book, trying to plan out the sequel: Oh, sweet Jesus. Younger me, what were you doing? Darling NO what is this? Stop please this is so bad-
Book two will never get done. :/