
Write more please 


@Jooamznnayno I'm trying! ^^ I have some new ideas. Thank you for reading  (•́ ‿⁠ •̀)


As the wind splash my face
          As the wind splash my face
          I see you 
          Slowly slowly flowing away
          I know am the reason ,
          I know am the reason,
          But as it gives shivers ,
          I regret ,I regret not being by your side,
          I know you're nearby wishing me ,
          I know you're nearby me,
          But I have already became blind,
          Already a blind
          As the wind splash sprinkle of rain 
          As the wind splash
          I see the things I regret doing
          Regret doing,
          I gave up my eyesight,
          Gave up my eyesight,
          Wind splashed and splashed harsher everytime,
          Harsher everytime,
          I know am the reason,
          I know am the reason,
          As you slowly slowly flew past ,
          Flow past me
          The splash let me see you
          The wind splashed against my face
          Splashed against my face,
          Regret is all that is left,
          The wind splashed and splashed,
          It finally left me,but I feel heavy without it!
          Heavy without it


On the bridge fence ,
          Swinging my legs ,
          Into the soothing air,
          I still remember,
          The warmth you gave,
          As the wind blows my hairs ,
          Peeking into my skull
          I feel the solace you gave
          U der the limelight of sunset ,
          I feel the encouraging touch of you.
          I wish I can hold your hands when I swing my legs into water, having a protective hands over my shoulder,
          I wish


How are you 


@miracleshine_ am good and do write more I want to read like really 




@Jeoamznnayno Oh thank you so much I'm really happy to hear that ^^


@miracleshine_ you wow you replied like I loved your work so much I just read lat chapter before even the beginning but I loved it. Please If you can continue writing more. I ,we love it alot. Take care 