hey guys!
okay so I don't really want to make this lengthy and all about me because this message is to all the readers and voters of my story. I can't even describe how glad I am when I saw the read count and I was moved to tears knowing that you voted and added my story to your reading list.
You guys are the best and I hope that you continue to support my other works. Although I have to admit, "Loving Ruthless" is not really my best but I aside from "His Anthos", I put in a sprinkle of effort on "Woolgathering".
I put my random story ideas there and I hope you guys check it out and also my ongoing story "Safe Haven". Going back, I want to thank you, who chose to click on my story even though you don't vote nor comment, knowing that someone reads my work is something worth fawning and gushing over and over again.
I won't keep you guys long so yeah, thank you once again! and stay safee everyone! ✨