
Sorry for the long wait guys! My exams are almost over and then I'll have the whole summer to bug you with my stories :) xx


          it's alright :P
          hmm. its hard to think of a male celeb that would fit him.. maybe chase crawford or aston kutcher? 
          *doing research*
          wait! there is a Dutch celeb that kind of resembles him! he is called Ruben Nicolai.
          Who do you think fits best with the Shawn you have in mind?


YOu're the last one. Who plays Demy? (Sorry, I had to change the name because I tried to find a nickname for 'Demy' but nothing came up. For 'Shawn', all I got was the 'Shaggy dog' lol xD) Who do you want SHAWN to be played? Any favourite male celeb that looks like him??


          the girl Lotte: she's about 1,75 m she has blonde curly short  hair (just above her shoulders) she is skinny, and  has blue eyes.
          she is very calm, never had a boyfriend before, really funny and sweet. though she can be influenced by other people easily (for example when she is with friend A she is sweet and kind towards everyone but when she is with friend B she can be more rude and do things that are sort of out of character for her. though she doesn't do this consioussly. she also has a huge fear for frogs.
          The boy Demy is Dutch and just moved to America (or whereever you want him to be :P he has brown hair in the zac efron style and blue eyes :P he is a guy who wants to act though and cool in front of someone but is actually really sweet on the inside. but that doesn't show often. also he is a very good learner but doesn't brag about it or shows it to anyone because he doesn't want anyone to think he is kind of a nerd. XD he is also a little bit shy. 
          If you want to know more just ask me :)