
As y'all know I joined September 2nd 2022 I've been so busy with school so I haven't been able to publish PT3 of Neverland but next year on September 2nd I'll have a special thing planned I have time to think byeeee


This is a message to all Jules leblanc fans:
          Sooo....we all saw the leaked pics of Jules and Jayden the leaked photos were them vaping and drinking one year underage now here is my problem Jules is in Paris and just posted pics witch is no problem with me but now this is my problem the last slide on her post in Paris it shows that I suppose her manger Matt is holding wine witch again is no big deal but this is my problem you guys will make a big deal over a post y'all will start rumors and it will be a big deal she literally is just posting we all know that we have been waiting for this post since she posted on her story she was in Paris DO NOT MAKE ANY RUMORS okay?