
Thoroughly enjoyed this. Space opera at its best from a promising new author. Take a look!


What a tale, I've just closed the epilogue with what I'd describe as joyful pain, immense anticipation and a need to spread your word to any n all who ever turned a page. So, now the begging begins! You know what I want/need... sequel, prequel, when , where, how??!! 
          I don't have A favourite novel be it on paper or screen but those I do hold higher than others have a new companion as of now! 
          I'd like to both congratulate and thank you for sharing work of this calibre with us mere mortal readers and wish you a very long and highly successful career as an author, the talent is obviously there so I don't see why not, I'll keep my eye on future bestseller lists cos it will happen!


@mithrylaltaire tomkat73 is a happy man!‍


@tomkat73 Hi Tomkat. Again, thanks for the kind words. There is indeed more to the story and it is in the works. Im the parent of a toddler and hold down a full time job, so be patient.  The second book is about 50% completed. Summed up in a word: more. More mysteries, more combat, more intrigue, more backstory, and yes more sarcasm.  It takes what happens in this book and ups the ante even more.  The tides of time universe is going to get bigger