Lelleo, I'm am a 17 yr old gender fluid, abrosexual, marshmallow with a myriad of undiagnosed problems. (✿^‿^)

If you are here I'm assuming it's because of one of the many crackhead comments I've made.

They/them and bro are safe pronouns to refer to me by.

If I said I'd draw/write something and I haven't yet, I am truly sorry. There has been a lot happening in my life recently and finding the ability to sit down and draw/write what I set out too has been kinda difficult lately. (plz feel free to remind me of a thing on the very likely chance that I've forgotten.)

Have a good day and always remember to eat the locals.
  • انضمMay 16, 2020

الرسالة الأخيرة
mjuwunir mjuwunir Oct 24, 2021 10:19PM
Today I learned that you should always grab red fluffy balls if the opportunity arises.
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم mjuwunir
umbrella academy x best friend بقلم mjuwunir
umbrella academy x best friend
I couldn't find many plutonic things for umbrella academy so I made some. And yes I did make that cover
I got tagged بقلم mjuwunir
I got tagged
it's in the name Also I clicked the mature content button, because it's not uncommon for me to cuss.
7 قوائم قراءة