
Hello :)
          	New update for The Devil Doesn’t Bargain coming in the next few days. I can’t thank you enough for your patience while I’ve been away. You all mean more to me than you know!!


i just finished reading “Me and the Devil” after several days of procrastinating everything else in my life just to read. your book is one of the best fan fictions i’ve ever read on this app and i’m so excited to head on onto the sequel. i hope you can one day become a published author because your writing is beautiful and you have such a way with words <3 thank you for such a wonderful experience of reading your beautiful writing


          Loving your work and was just wondering if you think you will continue with "Heart of a serpent"? 
          I found it such an interesting plot! And understand your are focusing on the devil and I but hope you go back to this story when you can , x


Hello Katie!
            I most definitely will be continuing Heart of the Serpent, I just don’t think I have the capacity to write both stories at once. I want to honor each with my full attention so as soon as TDdB is complete, I will start on HotS again!


@KatieHaynes203 sorry the devil doesn't bargain not devil and I 


Hello :)
          New update for The Devil Doesn’t Bargain coming in the next few days. I can’t thank you enough for your patience while I’ve been away. You all mean more to me than you know!!


I just finished fhe first devil book and i am sobbing. You are a beautiful artist and i am so glad i found your work! Thank you!! 


Hello hello! Oh goodness thank you so much and so sorry for my delay in seeing your message. This means so very much to me. Thank you thank you thank you!!


Hi, I am obsessed with your writing and just wanted to say thank you! Your work is so amazing and I have been BINGE reading MatD… ❤️ have yet to read a fanfic that has given me this much JOY and made me cackle out loud. 


Oh Mickaela!! Thank you so very much. I’m so thrilled you loved MatD. It truly sparked something in me, so hearing that it brought you so much joy is more than I could ask for. Thank you!!


I’ve read your updated new story from the events of “Me and the Devil” and once again I’m already in awe and excitement to keep reading more! (I need to be more patient) but I’m eagerly waiting for the next chapters to come! This is something I will most definitely read again, with hoping you will continue this journey of the undeniably best characters I’ve ever fixated on. I really want Sebastian and Atley to have the happiness they both so badly deserve and to finally find peace in each other. Thankyou for sharing your truly wonderful writing of art. 
          I shall await for the next chapters if not series of books from this quad of a loving family, only if you’re determined to write them! (Which I hope so but no pressure haha) ❤️‍ 


Completely understandable! We all have busy lives! (Just wish mine was in Hogwarts) haha that’s okay! No pressure I’ve started to read from the beginning again as it’s all I can think about! Have you considered ai voice reading of the book or would that be to much hassle? Also just know you’re doing an amazing thing!  


            Oh yes, my heart is most definitely attached to these characters so I will be writing them for quite some time! I wish I could post more often, but my schedule as of late hasn’t allowed more frequent updates. I promise they are coming as quickly as I can! Thank you for the love, support and patience - it means so very much to me. <3 Can’t wait to publish the next chapter here in the next day or two!


ONE MILLION READS! I have been trying to grasp the perfect way to say thank you these past couple days but completely come up short. This is such an insane number of reads that I’m having a hard time truly accepting that it’s real! I’ve said some sort of rendition of the same thank you’s through the previous milestones, but this one just hits so much deeper and I want to do it justice. I hope you know how truly your reading, comments, humor and support have truly done for me - the passion it has sparked and the level it has healed a broken part of my heart. I know I know - this is incredibly sappy and inevitably cheesy, but I do mean every word of it!! THANK YOU FOR ONE MILLION READS ON MATD!
          ps New chapter of tDdB tomorrow!


You are one of the best writers I know, mm. Truly you have inspired me to do so much, and for that I give you a huge thank you to you as well. I appreciate all that you’ve done for us, and bringing us all together into one great, big community to express our thought, ideas, gratitude, and love. You are forever welcome into our hearts. We love you. 


My english is not the yellow from the egg (if you know, you know - DE ) but I binged MatD so hard. I cant wait for the new chapter!  Thank you so much for this story. It lives rentfree in my Heart forever!!!


i love all of your writing so much and i love you author <3 appreciate all of your work you deserve it


New chapter of The Devil Doesn’t Bargain will be posted tonight! Thanks for your patience!


YAY!!! i’ve been checking nonstop loll