
Besides being an author of the book Blood,Money,Power, I have also been called a mystic. Something Oprah might put into the woo-woo category. It has been referred to as la-la-land, out-there and the word phenomenon can be tied to this identity. I describe it as receiving inner guidance.  Having an open mind to listen to an intuitive voice that only you can hear. Everyone has a sixth sense. It usually is labeled as intuition. The definition is, the ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning. Sometimes a strong feeling can overwhelm us about an issue or person. The origin of this insight or instinct is unknown, but its influence is undeniably real. I admit it is hard to describe exactly what a mystic does.This is because scientifically it is unexplainable. Yet when questioned I answer, “Just because you can’t see, touch for understand something, doesn’t mean it isn’t real. The truth is you can’t see the air we breathe, or touch a wireless communication and yet they still are real. Even with the advancements in science, many stellar mysteries about life and death are still unsolved. It has been my own life experiences that have peaked my curiosity in the unexplained. It is a fact that the air we breathe is real, but you cannot see, touch or follow a wireless communication. With so many advancements in science some stellar mysteries about life and death remain unsolved.  It was my own life experiences that peaked my curiosity in the unexplained. From a young age epic dreams, visions, and life altering experiences drew me into the realm of Metaphysics. I had a reoccurring dream throughout my childhood, where I stood on a high rock-mountain cliff and watched a ten story wave approach the shore. It was so real that it made me wonder where it came from and why my subconscious mind wouldn't let go of this emotionally charged scene. 


Besides being an author of the book Blood,Money,Power, I have also been called a mystic. Something Oprah might put into the woo-woo category. It has been referred to as la-la-land, out-there and the word phenomenon can be tied to this identity. I describe it as receiving inner guidance.  Having an open mind to listen to an intuitive voice that only you can hear. Everyone has a sixth sense. It usually is labeled as intuition. The definition is, the ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning. Sometimes a strong feeling can overwhelm us about an issue or person. The origin of this insight or instinct is unknown, but its influence is undeniably real. I admit it is hard to describe exactly what a mystic does.This is because scientifically it is unexplainable. Yet when questioned I answer, “Just because you can’t see, touch for understand something, doesn’t mean it isn’t real. The truth is you can’t see the air we breathe, or touch a wireless communication and yet they still are real. Even with the advancements in science, many stellar mysteries about life and death are still unsolved. It has been my own life experiences that have peaked my curiosity in the unexplained. It is a fact that the air we breathe is real, but you cannot see, touch or follow a wireless communication. With so many advancements in science some stellar mysteries about life and death remain unsolved.  It was my own life experiences that peaked my curiosity in the unexplained. From a young age epic dreams, visions, and life altering experiences drew me into the realm of Metaphysics. I had a reoccurring dream throughout my childhood, where I stood on a high rock-mountain cliff and watched a ten story wave approach the shore. It was so real that it made me wonder where it came from and why my subconscious mind wouldn't let go of this emotionally charged scene.