
I did something….. 


If I start to write again would anyone read? And who about? Ashtray, fezco, rue. 


I know I definitely would♡


@nayahsinterlude thanks babe you’re my number 1 girl!!<3


It’s my birthdayyyyy


@mommymilkersjan ANYTIMEEEEEEEEEE ♡


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Ok I’m in a situation that’s hurting me a lot. Now right now I am going to seem like a fucking asshole and the problem but on my end I don’t think I didn’t anything wrong. 
          Ok so me and we’ll call him R for this sake. Me and R became friends about 5 months ago, we worked together. Well about 2 months ago I moved jobs but we still kept in touch and hung out alot, so we became close and became best friends (that’s all we were honest to god) anyway his gf never ever liked me was always jealous and I spoke to her and told her that we were just friends and had nothing to worry about now for most of this friendship I had a bf but she still kept going and was mentally abusing him because of me. Well three days ago he blocked me out of the blue with no explanation. I was so upset because he was the only friend I had left. Well this morning he added me back and sent a message reading “sorry for blocking you me and my girlfriend was having a very big fight. If you don’t want to talk to me, you don’t have to.” I already knew it had to do with her but I was still hurt and I sent back. “Maybe it’s for the best, if you have to block me because you and your girlfriend were having a fight, then maybe for your relationship it’s for the best.” Now as soon as I sent it I start bawling my eyes out because I secretly knew it was the end. He sent back “yeah, I know. I just thought you deserved a reason, I just feel like I shouldn’t have to lose one of my bestfriends because of it.” And I just replied with yeah. He shortly after unadded me. I am so fucking hurt it’s cruel. But I am not mad at him at all, but I am not mad at her. Well a little bit for fucks sake it’s not fair. 


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Ok.. so. You did nothing wrong, and your friend was kind of an asshole! Idk how you can solve this, but if you wanna talk, or just…. trash talk any of them… talk to me. Okay? If it happened, it’s meant to be this way… I know it hurts, but you’ll feel better someday. And don’t feel sad because you miss him, it’s totally okay! 
            It’s really not fair. But that’s, sadly, how life works. 
            If he chose her, he didn’t deserve you. But life is made of choices! You made yours, he made his! 
            You handled this in such a mature way, and i’m very proud… 
            I hope you get better, and hopefully, you guys can be friends again… 
            Xx. Text me if you fee like it. ❤️‍