
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’m very very slowly writing, but I am still writing, and kinda wanna get back into the groove a bit. I wanted to let those few who follow me (and don’t already know) that I’m publishing some of my old high school stuff as CzarraahZ, and soon as I get things transcribed and formatted, I’ll have my old Phantasy Star 3 story up. Feel free to check it out - just be aware that I have grown in writing skill since then ;)


It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’m very very slowly writing, but I am still writing, and kinda wanna get back into the groove a bit. I wanted to let those few who follow me (and don’t already know) that I’m publishing some of my old high school stuff as CzarraahZ, and soon as I get things transcribed and formatted, I’ll have my old Phantasy Star 3 story up. Feel free to check it out - just be aware that I have grown in writing skill since then ;)


I say I want to be done with the story by the end of the year, and then end up doing exactly the opposite of that... I will continue writing, but I can't promise any sort of schedule. I am unsure of what my work will bring, and I can't count on downtime at work to write like I used to (shhhh don't tell my boss). I'm so close to the end that it'd be a crime not to finish, and I do want to continue, so thank you again for your patience. Hope everyone had a happy Hanukwansolsaturamipatiismas!


I feel self conscious about this chapter... It was supposed to include the next chapter, too. This was just fluff to get there. But there was the one thing that I needed to do, then the chapter got too long again... and then I was having motivation problems writing. Now I'm tired - I didn't even properly proofread...
          I wish work would stop burning me out.


I am reasonably sure I can finish the next chapter - which was supposed to be the second half of this chapter, and therefore is almost finished - before Sunday. And that maybe I can proofread it before publishing it.


My goal is to be "finished" with the story by the end of the year. I have 4 chapters left, and 2 of them are half written. (Too bad I can't math those two half chapters into one whole one, but writing doesn't work that way.)
          I say "finished" in quotes because even after I get to the end of the story, I have plans for a couple of expandy-chapters to flush out the earlier parts of the story I'd summarized before I resigned to the full out novelization. But those will come later. Right now I just want to get to the end.
          Then maybe I can work on the new stuff! I have plans to continue on with an original plotline with these guys, but I do have adulting to do, so those will probably come way later next year. Like the last half. But in the meantime I have other stuff I can finish up and finally publish. :)


Ok, so for some reason, the Wattpad website isn't letting me view anything I haven't already published, and if I try to go in to view my draft chapters by the "Continue Writing" button, it brings me to "Untitled Part 1" which I am VERY scared will overwrite my actual chapter 1. I'm going to see if a different browser helps, but if I'm late, or if sections of my story go missing, it's not my fault this time.


Finally, finally, finally done with this chapter! It was daunting because... well you'll see when you read it, but I had to figure out the choreography in a way I hadn't done before. And then I got a little distracted once I got my method that I choreographed the next few battles, too...
          I was sick this past week, and so I wasn't motivated to do much of anything other than sleep and recover. I'm going to *try* to still get the next chapter out on Sunday, but we'll see. My habit of writing bits and pieces might pay off sometimes, but it's also causing me to have to completely rewrite a whole scene since I wrote it early on and have made some creative changes in the meantime... So, we'll have to see.
          New chapter will be posted tonight after proofreading!