
Spy for Life 
          When Cassandra, 16, knows she's talented in the field of spying, her dad certainly took notice of this exceptional skill fast. He entered her into a spying company and she's the only teen around! How cool is that to have your name in history! But wait, her childhood friend, James, who's been missing for almost 13 years, shows up and ruined everything- her dream, passion, and even maybe her love life? which, let's face it, zero. Can this be the start of something wonderful between them? But how can they be together if their family opposes each other? And how will Cassandra choose between James and another guy who seems to be madly in love with her? 
          Find out by reading Spy for Life and it's a gurantee that you'll love it!! Love ya!!! :DDD 


Hey i was just wondering if maybe you could read 'the story of how i died...' or my other newer story i started yesterday, 'Alice's fate' here are the blurbs of them incase you are interested :)
          Alice's Fate:
          When Alice Jemigio goes to a new gymnastics school she soon discovers that people aren't as nice as she thought they would be. Alice soon finds herself being continuously bullied and cyber bullied. Will she tell anyone about her problems or let them built up inside her until it's its too late?
          The Story Of How I Died...:
          'Every Flash of a camera is like a kiss across the face but it hasnt been the same since her family betrayed her, since they left her, since they died. April Imivia, Teen pop sensation, figured her life couldnt get any worse when her whole family was murdered from a fatal kidnapping insedent but she was wrong... 
          I would be really honoured if i got a comment from such a tallented person like you! Thanks hope to hear from you soon xx