Hello hello hello! I know, it's been two whole months, in fact probably more than that, since I have officially logged into Wattpad. Now, there are reasons for this such as my laptop stopped working properly, I was lazy, I was having a downer/thinking time of life, and I just have had a lot to do and stuff. Basically, I've been busy with stuff I can't remember. I met an amazing guy who has just made my life a million times better, and I focused my time on him, as well as lots of coursework and schoolwork and the fact things are pretty hectic at the moment. I just haven't had time to write or edit, and by the time I have time to, my ideas stop and I need sleep. So here is me, typing on my fancy new laptop, as a new, organised me, that I will a) finish my editing of The Girl Who Cried Wolf b) Finish Thinking of You and c) Post a new story that I have had in draft for about 3 months. But all of this will take time, and so I have made myself a schedule. I will update every other Thursday, and every other Sunday. So say, this week on Thursday I will update, and then ten days later I will update on the Sunday. But anyway, those are my updating days. So signing off from the new and improved me, goodbye!