
Just wanted to announce that I now have an insta for all my writing projects, extra little funny bits about Yeah I Was In Juvie, Get Over it, and funny little things as I go through my writing process. Go and follow @ariaj_writes on insta!


Ha, okay so I lied, in my last post I said that I had pulled off all my books, well, I was thinking about it the other day and realized that I really wanted to put one story back out there because you guys seemed to like it. So, the announcement is that Yeah I was in Juvie, Get Over It, is officially republished, edited a little, and added a new chapter or two for you. Sorry to all the people who were actually reading it at first, I kind of just shut that down without any notice. But it's back up, and it ain't going anywhere anytime soon. 
          So that's it. Hope everyone's staying safe and healthy out there, 
                   see ya, 
                                     -Aria turner


i just finished reading it and damn its underrated


So, I think I owe the few people who have read my books an explanation. I'm sorry for pulling my books off. Truth is, I've heard so many horror stories of people using someone's book and publishing it as their own, and I spooked. I eventually want to be putting books out there as a published author, so I can't have that happen to me.
           Especially sorry to those who were reading 'Yeah I Was in Juvie, Get Over It,' I know you guys were really starting to like it. 
          But, I have not stopped writing, at all, I have probably been writing way more, and hope to be putting a published book out there on the shelves in a year, fingers crossed. 
          So that's my explanation. I hope everyone's staying safe. 
                                        -Aria Turner