
one of my stories was deleted by wattpad yesterday for no apparent reason (I thought they were only targeting mature content?) and there's no way for me to get it back despite having quite a lot of stuff in the drafts...


@moraeful This is something that happened to a whole bunch of people. Wattpad is trying to use AI to moderate content, but the bot wasn't properly tested and instead of flagging stories for human review, it has deleted some stories. And of course, it didn't only flag stories that broke the guidelines, but likely any stories with certain words.


@Hortbeck there was no mature content (besides them kissing awkwardly once) & they were both well over 16... but oh well I guess wattpad doesn't want people writing on their platform for free anymore


@moraeful I heard they were targeting books with characters under 16 with mature content. 


one of my stories was deleted by wattpad yesterday for no apparent reason (I thought they were only targeting mature content?) and there's no way for me to get it back despite having quite a lot of stuff in the drafts...


@moraeful This is something that happened to a whole bunch of people. Wattpad is trying to use AI to moderate content, but the bot wasn't properly tested and instead of flagging stories for human review, it has deleted some stories. And of course, it didn't only flag stories that broke the guidelines, but likely any stories with certain words.


@Hortbeck there was no mature content (besides them kissing awkwardly once) & they were both well over 16... but oh well I guess wattpad doesn't want people writing on their platform for free anymore


@moraeful I heard they were targeting books with characters under 16 with mature content. 


My dear sweet moraeful, please please write another chapter, I’m kicking my feet in suspense 


@VodkaAndHoes the next update is pretty much a double update since just posting one would leave it on a cliffhanger so I'll finish them both and post one after the other, but trust me, I'm working on it! I'm so happy you're enjoying it, though <3


Hey, I hope you're well.
          Just wanted to ask if there is a possibility of you updating your stories? Or are they abandoned?


@Crackarrian they're in progress (except the replay which is finished), and I try to update them as often as possible, even if I don't do it as much as I used to. My plans are still to finish all of the stories, though!


i know that the people who i'm actually aiming this at won't see this, but even if you find a main character annoying because of their flaws, you don't have to send me weird messages about it. keep it in the comments, to yourself, or just stop reading the book, please, nobody is forcing you to read it (i hope at least)! it's also not at all encouraging to get those messages when trying to work on a new chapter, which i know is taking way too long and i would also like to be more productive writing-wise, so yeah, i hope if any of you people see this you take it to heart. otherwise, see you in the next update!