@FoxMaiden well our land is known as the rainbow nation for all the diffirent cultures and races of people there are but the worst of all is the racism between the people cause our land only became democratic in 1994 and since then there have been rivals between the white and black people, basically everbody hates everybody, well mostly the old people who lived in old south africa but the new generation isn't so fulk of hate. You still get the children who learn to hate the other races from their parents. Its actually extremelly sad the hate these people have toward eachother. And a funny thing is, the driving in south africa, you can bribe the police out of a ticket and you can basically drive how you want to as long as you don't get caught. Oh yeah, and we can't go play in the streets, way too dangerous, you'll either be robbed or kidnapped. It wasn't the same thirty years ago. Oh and thanx for the comment.